Exterior Sign Group

We are still looking for a group of people to share the responsible for updating our
Welcome Sign. Even in this digital age our Welcome Sign is an important ministry which
connects us to our local community. If you can help out, please speak to one of the
Wardens or a member of Parish Council.

Ministry Opportunities

We are in need of Scripture Readers for our Sunday Liturgy as well as Leaders for the
Prayers of the People. If you feel called to either of these Ministries, please either call
the Church Office or speak to Rev. John.

Easter Cupcakes

Just a word of thanks for all the delicious cupcakes we enjoyed following our Easter
Sunday service. The great thing was there was a cupcake to meet everyone’s taste
buds. What a tremendous way to celebrate the Risen Lord. Thank you for sharing.

Save the Date

20 April 7pm – Just a reminder of Michael and Bethany’s information night on their
month-long mission trip to Angola in July. This will be a great opportunity to hear about
the work they are planning on doing in Angola and ask any questions you might have
about the mission. Please indicate your attendance on the signup sheet at the entrance
to the Sanctuary.

28 April – Please highlight on your calendars Sunday the 28th of April. On the 28 th we
will be having our 3 rd and final Building our Parish Profile session following our
condensed Liturgy. This session will focus on the question “where do we feel the power
of the Holy Spirit leading us into the Future”. For this question the scripture passage we
will be using is Matthew 28: 19-20. We look forward to hearing your comments.

5 May – Invitation Sunday. At Parish Council as well as at our recent Building Our
Parish Profile session it was suggested and agreed that we should have an “Invitation
Sunday”. This would be an opportunity to invite family and friends to share in our liturgy
that Sunday and perhaps a potluck following the service. We are still working out the
details but for now circle the date and think of who you might like to invite.